Getting to Chappaquddick is always part of the fun!
“Chappy,” as it’s called, is about three miles across and has only one paved road named, appropriately, Chappaquiddick Road. The rest of the roads are single-lane dirt tracks perfect for a leisurely bike ride. While there is no commercial business on the island, there is one tiny shop in a house that sells a few necessities (milk, etc.). So be sure to bring everything you need to enjoy your visit: water, picnic/food, drinks, sunscreen, etc
To access, riders hop a 3-car ferry to cross the narrow channel separating Katama Bay from Edgartown Harbor for a quick minutes long ride over to the other side (Chappy varies between being an island and peninsula depending on the storm season – it’s currently attached to the mainland down at Wasque Point).

The twin ferries that take you back and forth – On Time II and On Time III – are named so because they are always right “on time”. They have no set schedule (and thus can’t be “late” or “early.”) Except for late at night, ferries operate whenever cars and passengers need to cross. Fun fact: the original On Time was featured in several scenes of Jaws (aka best movie ever).

All fares are round-trip, payable before boarding the ferry in the Edgartown side. The drive up dock is accessed from Water Street and pededstrians and bikes can enter right near the Old Sculpin Gallery

Once you’re on the other side you can enjoy the peninsula’s wildlife refuges, nature reserves and beaches, as well as the beautiful Japanese Myoti Gardens. There is also the famed Chappaquiddick Bridge heading over at out to Cape Pogue Wildlife Refuge. While a little hard to fit in on a day trip, It’s always one of our recs for anyone visiting the island for a few days.